Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Knitting and Crochet Tip for You

Are you prepared for whatever disaster may come your way. Remember Sandy, remember Katrina, next time your area? Visit our new web site at for articles, advice, and tips on disaster preparedness and so much more. Be prepared! Free eBook.

I have just recently picked up my knitting needles and crochet hook again. I had forgotten how enjoyable it was creating your own socks, hats, scarves, baby, pet stuff etc. I have two cats and a dog at home that all shed hair and I was needing a way to keep my yarn from getting dirty or covered in hair. I have tried yarn bowls in the past, but they haven't been too successful for me, and it's not feasible to keep the wool inside my project bag as there are too many things for the wool to get hooked up around in there. 

Hmm. What could I use? Then it hit me. All I needed was a ziplock bag large enough for the ball of wool to be able to turn around inside. Put your wool inside the bag and zip it up leaving about an inch unzipped. Pull the working end of the yarn through the opening. Place the bag in the chair beside you. As you knit, the yarn ball turns inside the bag, does not get tangled and stays clean. Oh and the cat can't get to it either!

If you have any tips to add, please leave a comment. :))

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Custom Hand Beaded Baby Moccasins by Simply Rhiannon

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011 for all your Lavender Needs

Lavender for bath, body, and home. Relaxation for body, mind, and spirit.

How would you like to join the Lavender-Love team? To find out more about the benefits of Lavender and how to join the team, click the banner above.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Selling Handmade Jewelry Online: More Tips for Great Photography

Need help with photographing Jewelry?
Bonus Blog from Jewelry Making Daily
It doesn't matter how long you've been making jewelry -- it's still scary to put your work out there for the world to see! I'll never forget the last few days before I opened my shop on Etsy. I'd been making jewelry to sell in it for weeks; I'd enlisted all my friends on Facebook to help me pick a "cute Southern name" (thanks for Southern Baubelles, Dawn!); and I'd been collecting unique props to use in the pictures. The fear and anticipation were intense! Read more . . .

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Handmade Deerskin Medicine Bag by Simply Rhiannon


This Handmade Deerskin Medicine Bag features a hand-beaded snowflake rosette in blue and white size 11 Czech seed beads. The buckskin neck strap measures approximately 26" long and the pouch itself measures 3 1/4" x 3 1/4". The beaded snowflake rosette measures approximately 1 1/3" in diameter. Artificial sinew sewn. Matching Blue Czech Crow accent beads.

Suggested uses: Credit/I.D. card holder for when you don't have any pockets. Medical ID pouch. Wear it inside (for safety) or outside for decoration. Perfect for Pow Wows and Rendevouz.

Made in Montana by Simply Rhiannon

Native American Inspired.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hand Wrapped Gray White Agate Point Pendant.

Hand Wrapped Gray White Agate Point Pendant. #Artfire http://... on Twitpic

Look no further for a stunning arrowhead as the focal point of your fav. necklace!

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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Forgotten Tags

I know how it is. You are adding a new product listing and there is so much stuff to remember about SEO optimization, that one tends to forget the little things that can get you a few extra search engine views. Tags are important, but what about those tags that we forget to include. What are they? TYPOS. I know that no matter how good my spelling is, my fingers don't always comply and my eyes don't always see straight. There are certain words that I type wrong regularly no matter how hard I try not to.

So when listing your tags, think about how some of your tags/keywords could be misspelled. For example, I was looking at my stats yesterday, paying attention to what people searched on before arriving at my store. One person had typed toquoise instead of turquoise. When you start to really think about it, you can come up with a few extra keywords for each listing.

Remember, not everyone can spell, and not everyone can type perfectly. I hope this helps bring you a few more hits.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Black Glass Tube Bracelet, 7 1/4 inches long. S/P findings. Simply black, will look great with most things. Shabby or chic, this bracelet will do. :))

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Celtic Challenge Winner

Congrats go to Krafty Max for her beautiful Celtic Beaded Sun Catcher!! Thank you to all that entered! All the entries were just beautiful!!

As Winner she will get to chose the next Challenge by March get your beads ready!


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Monday, March 14, 2011

Artfire Beadweaver's Guild: Celtic Challenge-Voting Time

Artfire Beadweaver's Guild: Celtic Challenge-Voting Time: "Click on Image to Enlarge or Links Below for Details/Purchase:1. Beads Forever - Celtic Challenge Cuff 2. Amethyst Ravenstar - Celtic Braid..."

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Friday, November 26, 2010

ArtFire Beadweaver's Guild Silver and Gold Challenge everyone out wrestling with the crowds? Nope, not here. I am in the warm writing to you good folks about a challenge contest underway at ArtFire Beadweaver's Guild. The beadweaver's have been busy, nose to needle, beading some beautiful silver and gold pieces for the challenge. If you would like to see the entries, check them out at Artfire Beadweaver's Guild.

     Free First Class shipping with free delivery confirmation in my Artfire Store on most items until December, 15th. Get your gifts early and save money on shipping! For unique and affordable gifts, go to Indian Nations Artfire Store.
     If you have wind and snow drifts, stay home! Don't do what we did and get stuck in the snow for 2 hours, 10 yards from our house.  Snow was too deep to walk around (hubby tried it but fell in a snow drift up to his butt and couldn't get out. He had to roll around in the snow and crawl out. Truck couldn't go forwards or backwards and I needed to pee. Damn! 
     So Ken calls AAA, they tell him one and a half hours, but hopefully sooner seeing as how we are stuck in the middle of the road. So we sit there, luckily with heat and radio, but damn I needed to pee. Two hours later a truck arrives. $300.00 to pull us out of the snow, BUT not to tow us around the corner to our house. Scream! Short story long, the guy suggested we park up 50 yards from our house and walk. Wind is blowing, snow is drifting and swirling. No way, says my bladder. Guy drives off, I say to Ken, let's go back to the store. So back out onto the road (this one isn't so bad) and headed back from whence we came. Lucky for me there is a gas station not too far and I was able to go pee at last. 
     So now we are at our trading post, sleeping on the floor. That was an expensive trip home! Plus, Ken's door got messed up by the wind and he hurt himself when he fell. Other than that it was a very Happy Thanksgiving. LOL
     And the moral of this story is...go pee before you go anywhere!

Huge Rug Sale in our Trading Post for the month of December, 2010. Rugs, Coasters, Place mats all at discounted prices. Plus 50% off South Western Silver Jewelry. Lots of unique gifts and many new consignment items just in time for the holidays. Come say Hi, at Indian Nations Trading Post, 615, West Park Street, Livingston, MT. 59047. Telephone 406-222-7190.

Warm wishes to all who pass this way.
Peace and Goodwill to all.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Save Time. Save Stress. Shop Online!

I hate shopping in stores. I get stepped on, poked, pushed around, elbowed, and gouged by strollers. Not to mention kids running into me at full pelt, and getting jammed in and carried in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go! I can never find what I really want and end up coming home feeling like a bunch of tangled fairy lights, with bruised toes, and begging my husband for a nice hot cup of tea. Well not this year! Good bye Wal-Mart and all those other stores packed full of made in China stuff, I am shopping online!

But where to start? What do I search on? What am I really looking for? Made in USA...check. Handmade...double check. Unique handmade gifts for all the family...YES! Where can I find handcrafted gifts for my dog? I'll tell you At you can find a handmade unique gift for just about anyone and the beauty of it is you are buying direct from the person who made it. How neat is that? Share your dollars with talented people and quit buying stuff made in China!

Men are always so hard to shop for. Not so at You can find some really unique handmade gifts for men at Don't give them boring socks or underwear this year, find something unique and handcrafted and watch their face on Christmas morning.

At there are many specials running, BOGO, free shipping, sales, and coupons. So save your toes and your sanity this year, shop online and have your gifts delivered to your door. You're worth it.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

ArtFire Debuts Amazing $5.95 Group Deal for Members

     Just in time for the upcoming holiday season, ArtFire is emerging from beta testing! What does that mean? Early next week the site will be getting an updated look and interface, and 50,000 people will be getting the chance to get in on a huge group coupon promotion. Normally the monthly rate for a Pro account on ArtFire is $15.95/month, but for a minimum of 20,000 people this rate will be cut by more than half!
     As a part of the exit from beta, ArtFire is lowering the Pro account rate to just $5.95/month. This rate can only be locked in if 20,000+ people participate (the promotional rate is only activated after a total of 20,000 users accept the offer). It doesn’t matter if you are new to ArtFire or already have a Pro account; everyone is eligible to get the discounted group rate as long as they are a member of ArtFire. Right now this offer is only available for ArtFire members (both Basic and Pro). If the offer reaches 50,000 internally on ArtFire before Monday the 20th of September, the deal will not be offered outside of the ArtFire community. As always with ArtFire, there are no hidden fees and no surprise charges. If the group deal goes through you will have a Pro account at $5.95 a month for as long as you maintain an active subscription with ArtFire.
     So what does upgrading to a Pro account get you? In the words of one satisfied seller: “ArtFire gives me the tools I need to succeed in an e-commerce environment. Personalizing my studio, rearranging my items, and editing them all in a few clicks with ArtFire's Global Editor, make listing and selling on ArtFire quick and easy. The ability to personalize my studio is invaluable. My customers know me through my Artisan Bio and Blog… ArtFire cares that I succeed and their team works to help me succeed. Through their forums, guilds, artifacts, and Maven organization, I feel part of a serious artisan community sharing the same goal.”

     The tools and features that you get with a Pro account are unique to ArtFire. The Facebook Kiosk is a virtual shopping application that allows Pro members to sell their items directly from a Facebook fan page or profile. The Global Product Editor lets members make changes to multiple items at once, and with the Etsy importer you can (you guessed it!) easily import your Etsy shop to ArtFire. These are just a few of the great resources offered to Pro members.
     If you already have an account on ArtFire, you can log in and sign up to be a part of the group coupon here. If you do not have an account with ArtFire, you can join by getting a free basic account here and then join the group coupon. If you’re a new member, be sure to check out the help guides and the forums to learn about the best ways to utilize all the tools ArtFire provides.
If you have any questions, you will probably find the answer here in the Chatterbox forum post.

I have signed up two stores for the new deal, have you signed up yet? Artfire is the only place for me and I know you'll love it too.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Top Ten Things That Make You Smile

Sitting here, crafting an anklet, I found myself smiling at the Prairie Dogs playing tag across the street. I don't know why, but I decided to make a list of things that warm my heart and make me smile. Here is my top ten:

  1. Family and the thoughtful things they do.
  2. A baby's smile.
  3. My dog, Loki, playing all by himself with his happy face a mirror of fun.
  4. People helping others less fortunate than themselves.
  5. Miracles, both large and small.
  6. Willow trees rustling in the breeze. Their silver-backed leaves shimmering.
  7. Cool, misty rain on a hot day.
  8. Bright yellow Daffodils. Their heads bobbing in the March winds.
  9. Snowflakes on Christmas Eve.
  10. Buying new beads to play with.
Why not make your own list and leave it in the comments at the foot of this post. I'd love to read your top ten.

Featured Artisan...LaMataDesigns

I'd like to introduce you to a very talented Artisan on, LaMataDesigns. LaMata has been writing and creating since she was a child. Her creative talents are in writing, handmade paper beads, polymer clay, cold porcelain, weaving, macrame, and upcycling, to name but a few.

In LaMata's store you will find handmade paper beads, paper bead necklaces, and paper bead bracelets. Each bead has been lovingly wrapped and made by LaMata. I know from my own experience that these beads take time to make properly and I just wish I had her talent for making them!

LaMata says, the creation of paper beads dates back to Victorian times. The women of the house would use wallpaper scraps and roll them around knitting needles to create beads. They would then string them on yarn to create paper bead curtains. 

Today paper beads are used to make purses, jewelry, greeting cards and wall art to name a few. The bead shapes, sizes and colors are endless when creating paper beads, making them a great addition to one of a kind designs. Jewelry pieces made from paper beads are light weight and quite durable making them comfortable to wear for most people. Paper beads are water resistent if sealed properly. The shapes and color possibilities of paper beads are endless making them a great addition to one of a kind designs.

To see some gorgeous paper beads, go check out LaMataDesigns Store and tell her I sent you.

Well, that's all for today folks, until next time,

Let's be crafty out there! Buy Handmade Gifts at!
Indian Nations Trading Post at

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Handmade, Unique, and Unusual Gifts for the Holidays

Hey y'all,

I was sitting here thinking about making Christmas cards for the holidays, both to send to my folks and to sell on, when it hit me, why not make all my gifts handmade gifts this year, and if not handmade by myself, will be handmade gifts purchased at

But why is an eclectic site, they have so many unique and talented artisans creating in a vast number of different crafting styles, that there is something for everyone, no matter what your taste in handmade gifts. Choose from Knitted, crocheted, jewelry of all jewelry genres, quilted, felted, polymer clay, pottery, beaded, paper crafts, home decor, lamps, fountains, clothing, fine art, wood and leather work, your choice of handmade gifts is unlimited. While there you can also buy holiday ornaments, decorations, bows, gift bags, ribbon, the list is endless.

One of the main advantages of buying handmade gifts at, is that you are buying directly from the artisan who made the item. You are buying with the knowledge that the person who made the item will be the one to benefit directly from your purchase. keeps not one penny from the sale unlike other online venues. In these hard times, it is important to support the individual artisans. Their only paycheck comes from selling their handmade gifts and crafts and they work hard to fill their studios with unique items made especially for you, their customers.

I will be buying all my Christmas Gifts at this year, I hope you will too!

Let's be crafty out there! Buy Handmade Gifts at!
Indian Nations Trading Post at

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Artfire Stimulus Sale Now On! Save Dollars. Find bargains!

I sell my creations online, along with many other artisans, on numerous sites.  This month on ARTFIRE we are doing the old Obama stimulus style bailout. Grass roots. Helping artists get seen...helping YOU to save money, us to clear inventory that is stockpiling, and all that jazz.  Below is a list of artists participating so far, and no, we don't ALL sell jewelry... and if we do, nobody's looks alike.

We have mixed media, fine art, poly clay beads, supplies, purse designers, metal workers, woodsmiths, fiber artists, knit products, clothing... all at deals. (Every artist has set their own deal, but most have a few loss leaders to offer up.)

If you ever wanted to try handmade vs the cookie cutter life in the conformist is the time. Go visit these Artists and enter a world of wonder and surprise.

  1. jewelry, dog themes, fused glass
  2.   crochet, knit , shawls, donate to charity
  3. fine art
  4.  jewelry
  5. jewelry
  6. jewelry
  7. clothing
  8.  ornaments
  9. jewelry
  10. fabric epherma quilts
  11. jewelry
  12. jewelry
  13.  jewelry
  14. supplies/fabric crafts/vintage
  15. supplies
  16. make up/cosmetics
  17. mixed media art, glass, lampwork
  18. fine art sculptures
  19. jewelry
  21. fleece artist,  clothes
  22.  jewelry, hair adornments,purses,
  23. jewelry
  24. fused glass, jewelry, plates
  25. art jewelry
  26. http://
  27. Jewelry, intense metalist!
  28. lampwork beads, jewelry
  29. jewelry
  30. feathered Jewelry, fine art
  31. jewelry
  33. Jewelry
  34. jewelry
  35. Jewelry
  37. jewelry
  38. glazed paper beads, jewelry
  40. Everything! journals, books, ephemera
  41.  knift crafts, keychains, doodads
  42. jewelry
  43. Native American Inspired Jewelry
  44.  Mixed media, jewelry, portuguese artist
  45.  jewelry
  46.  wire wrap jewelry intense (singapore style)
  47. beaded cabochons, jewelry etc
  48. critters and cute stuff
  49. bead supplies
  50. spiritual items, jewelry, bookmarks
  51. Wire wrap jewelry, bamboo items Singapore artist
  52. Jewelry
  53. fine art
  54. soy candles
  55. jewelry, funky boot bracelets, trends
  56.  cell charms, Neat Polymer beads

  57. knit toys, goodies, cards stitchery

    Have a wonderful day and lots of fun doing whatever you do.

    Let's be crafty out there!
    Indian Nations Trading Post at

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meet Blue, Green, and Pink at

Hey everyone,

Today's featured store is BlueGreenandPink! Meet Abigail, the artisan behind the jewelry creations. Abigail is one of those ladies who can't sit still and do nothing, therefore beading keeps her active and occupied. In Abigail's store you will find handmade earrings, bracelets, necklaces, sets, pendants, cellphone charms, and a gorgeous seashell collection.

Her inspiration comes from nature, she loves the outdoors, but she also loves her creations which makes it hard for her to part with them sometimes. Abigail works in different styles, but her first love is modern jewelry.

I have noticed Abigail likes to help others and is always promoting other artisans via her facebook page at
Bluegreenandpink @ facebook. Why not pay her a visit and leave her a message on her wall? You can visit the Bluegreenandpink Studio here. Tell her I sent you!


Links of Interest

Are you looking for some awesome buttons for your projects? Go visit Nicole at BrizelSupplies.

cymberrain has some beautiful velvet bags, purses, and some fairy shoes to die for.

Do you know someone who would like a custom portrait of their pet? This lady will do an awesome job of capturing your pet's spirit. CherilynnFineArt


Certified Handmade Artisan

You may have noticed a new badge on my Artfire studio and on this blog. It means I have applied and been certified as providing authentic handmade artisan goods. It means:

This Certified Handmade Artifact recognizes this artisan's commitment to exclusively offering Handmade and Fine Art work in their studio.

This artisan has been through a careful review to ensure they are the producers of the fine work you now see. When you see the Certified Handmade Artifact, you can shop with the confidence knowing that you are indeed supporting a handmade artisan.

Many of the Artisans at Artfire now have this certificate. Congratulations to all!

Have a wonderful day and lots of fun doing whatever you do.

Let's be crafty out there!
Indian Nations Trading Post at

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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Promotional Pixie Strikes Again!

Howdy folks,

     Hope you are all enjoying sunny weather and blue skies. Here in Livingston, Montana, Spring has finally sprung. Yes, it is late, but we had snow in June last year, so maybe it's actually early (for us) this year.
     I have finally finished beading my antler peace pipe and am now halfway through a beaded watchband. What are you working on? Leave me a comment below...I am interested to know.

     Has anyone tried that Bark-OffTM thingy for dogs that has been advertised on TV? I ordered 2 (which turned into 4, but that's another story) and it seemed as if it was working at first. Now a few days later, Loki is back to his barking fits again. Please let me know if you have used one with any success or have found something else that really worked for you. Please leave me a comment below. Loki (Jack Russell) is fine until he sees another dog, cat, cow, horse, deer, you get the picture!

Featured Artisan is...PromoPixie !

     Okay, so you have opened a new store on Artfire/Etsy/Zibbet for example, but you don't have an Avatar or a banner for your store. Maybe you need a T shirt for a show, or business cards, brochures, or a magnetic sign for you car door. You don't have time to design things yourself, or you just don't have a clue where to start. Don't despair! Call the PromoPixie.

     Although PromoPixie is a married Mom with a teenage daughter and a miniature Bengal Tiger in training, I see her differently. I see a cute pixie with an acorn hat, green striped leggings, forest green tunic and curled-up toe boots. She's fast, she's good at what she does, and is just waiting for you to order some pixie magic.

     PromoPixie truly believes that the presentation of both your shop and your products can account for a great percentage of your success and has many different promotional packages to choose from. PromoPixie  also promises a  high level of customer service,  a liberal sprinkling of pixie dust for good luck, and you will be involved in every aspect  of your items design and creation.

     For more details of packages and prices, visit PromoPixie at her Artfire store. Tell her Rhiannon sent you.

Well that's all for this time. I hope you all have a wonderful day and lots of fun doing whatever you do.

Let's be crafty out there!
Indian Nations Trading Post at

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Featured Artisan...Wooley Creek Tribal and Ethnic Jewelry

At Wooley Creek Tribal and Ethnic Jewelry you will find some of the most beautiful beaded earrings you ever saw. Indian Maidens, Navajo Rug designs. and the cutest little beaded felt moccasins I have ever had the privilege to own.

(My husband and I own Indian Nations Trading Post in Livingston, MT and have both purchased and seen oodles of beadwork, so we know excellent work when we see it. Needless to say we now have a number of Wooley's earrings in our store and can attest to the quality of her work.)

Wooley's first love has always been Rag Doll making. She started making Rag Dolls back in 1979. Due to life changes, Wooley switched to beading in 1990. Together with her husband, Wooley sells her treasures at Pow Wows and flea markets. Online you can find her under the name of Wooleycreek at Ebay and at her Artfire store, Wooley Creek Tribal and Ethnic Jewelry. I'm sure she would appreciate a visit or two. :))

Take care all!
aka Lesley

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Featured Artisan of the Week - Soy Scentual

     Today's featured Artisan is Val at Soy Scentual of Kansas City, Kansas. As with most Artisans, Val has more than just one creative skill. Not only is she a soap and candle making maven, but she also has a degree in web applications and design and is fluent in several coding languages and design software.

     Her passion though is nature, respecting all living things and what our Mother Earth has to offer. Val is an active and contributing member of the ASPCA, Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation International, and Greenpeace. None of her products are tested on animals and her candles and melts are vegan friendly and Kosher approved. (Yeah!!!)

     On her website at,  her Artfire Store at SoyScentual at Artfire, and at her new Zibbet store at SoyScentual Zibbet Store, you will find an extensive range of Soy Melts, Soy Votives, Handmade Soap, Mason Jar Soy Candles, Soy Tea Lights, and Soy containers.

     Choose from fragrances such as, Hyacinth, Strawberry Rhubarb, Japanese Cherry Blossom, Tropical Fruit Salad, Vanilla Passion, to name but a few.

     Now you have three avenues to buy these "good enough to eat" candles and soaps. Tell Val at Soy Scentual that Lesley aka Rhianon sent you!

     While you are over at why not look for some unique gifts for Mother's Day.

     Well that's it for today. I have to get back to taking pictures of my new creations. Look out for my shoulder sweeper earrings in shiny purple bugle beads.

Until next time

Take care all!
aka Lesley

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Featured Artfire Artisan - NatureWhispers

Hey folks,

I hope you are having a fantabulous day. Getting ready for tourist season here in Montana. Here's hoping it's a good one as this small town really needs it to be. Now if only the weather would make up its mind. One day snow, next day sun. Yay, Spring is here. Welcome Robins...dangit snow again. LOL

Today, I am featuring a very talented Artisan, Linda Creager, from NatureWhispers in Williams, Arizona.

Linda is a self-taught artisan, with more than one artistic streak, and several different skills. Her original oil and acrylic paintings are steeped in nostalgia and warmth from within. They would bring a sentimental glow and happiness of a former place or time to any room.

In addition to her smaller paintings, Linda paints custom murals. I'd love to have the amazing hand painted mural that Linda did for Taylor's room. Now all I need is a room! Check out the murals here.

Linda also has a line of custom made rustic lamps and tables made from Juniper wood. More information on these items are available at her Artfire store. Here is a preview for you.

In Linda's store you will find an eclectic assortment of cabochons, and hand made jewelry. Linda's designs are earthy and well balanced as you can see in the picture of my favorite piece above. Go visit Linda's store at Artfire and tell her I sent you. :)) NatureWhispers

That's it for today. Tune in next time for another featured Artisan, tips, tricks, or whatever else tickles my fancy. :))))

Y'all come back now, y'hear!

Take care all!
aka Lesley

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Friday, April 2, 2010


My friend Mike has just published his book, Fawneat. It is a futuristic adventure through 3 dimensional space and well worth a read. I personally think it would make a terrific movie. Here's a little insight into the book.

Travel (guided by 24 Illustrations) to the far-distant planet Fawneat with a determined crew of ten genetically engineered soldiers on a desperate mission to find out what is happening to the rapidly disappearing population. The vanishing groups of colonists and miners on the vast world aren't dying of old age, and they're not leaving the planet, but they are taking every nut, bolt, and slab of concrete with them when they go! The greedy owners may have waited too long to save the inhabitants of far-a-way Fawneat, as on the first day Lieutenant Kayle's elite troops meet an Ancient Predator with a very up-to-date machine. Immediately stripped of their modern weaponry, with any further help years away, the soldiers are pushed to the limits of even their powerful, genetically altered beings. Only by defeating the Ancient Predators on their own terms will the soldiers, and the colonists that they begin to care for intimately, have any chance of existing at all!

Click the cover in the box link to get your copy. :))

Have fun!


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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Artfire's all fired up and ready to go!

Hey, Hey, Hey,

It's me again! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been buried under a pile of accounts work, preparing for the good old Tax Return. Yes folks, it's that time again! I hope you already have your return done and are expecting a nice fat refund. I wish, LOL.

STOP PRESS.... BREAKING NEWS.... READ ALL ABOUT IT.... have just rolled out their brand spanking new, much awaited, Merchandiser. After extensive testing by the Artfire Mavens, Merchandiser went live at 3pm yesterday afternoon. Previously, sellers were unable to rearrange the order of products in their studios, with new listings automatically defaulting to the front of the store. Now with this awesome drag and drop feature, it is a whizz to customize the order and layout in Pro Members Studios. It's simple to use, intuitive, and altogether amazing. Thank you for another terrific feature!

What's new?

I have just finished this white and blue/purple peyote stitched hat band. You can find it in my studio. I have also uploaded 4 of my beaded turkey feathers, some new earrings (more coming in the next two days), and a new bracelet set in pink pearls and quartz crystal chips.

Well, that's it for today. Gotta run and finish one of my beaded arrows now. I'll show you one next time. Until then, bead happy, stay well, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. (That gives you plenty of scope. LOL)

Please Visit my Artfire Friends
Below this post are many links to other Artisan's shops. Please visit them and support handmade. At Artfire you can save money and purchase fabulous gifts for family and friends.

Take care all!
aka Lesley

Visit Some of the Gifted Artisans at
Uga Buga Bowls Wheel Thrown Pottery
Uga Buga Bowls
Wheel Thrown Pottery
Retro Renegade Vintage
Auth. Vintage Clothing
Handmade Beads and Charms
Handmade Beads
Catinalife Creations
Catinalife Creations
Gemstone Jewelry by Joy
Acadienne - Handknit, Crochet, and Hardanger Embroidery
Traditions Made New
Fabric, Clothing, Accessories
The Shutterbug Eye
The Shutterbug Eye
Photography by D. K. Miller
Vintage Jewelry Creations
Your's Truli
Vintage Jewelry Creations
Mv's Artisan Studios
MV's Jewelry
Something for Everyone

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